Thursday, 31 January 2013

Day 4 of Writing The Pilot

Another great day in class working through our ideas as a group and each screenplay is turning into a real corker it there own way! I don't think that there's a project that I wouldn't watch if it got turned into a series/one off!

The real lesson that I've learnt whilst being on the course is the need for a really strong voice to come through in your work and the need for each scene to be really driving the story forward - each beat that the narrative remains static is another second lost where you could be bringing the audience further into the world and sucking them in so that they come back after the next advert break.

It's strange to think how different writing for TV is for writing for film - you really can't hold anything back for the modern TV audience who have so much choice of what to watch either on their box or on the internet. When I head back to feature writing after the course it's going to seem like I have so much time to establish character and tease out the details - in what I'm writing at the moment if it doesn't immediately give the answer it's either simply not good enough or it needs cutting!

In other news the deadline for the Stoke Your Fires stuff is coming up tomorrow which will lead to plenty of refreshing of their website over the next month! The meeting with Nick from Undercover Arts went well and the project that he's proposing seems amazing and something that I'd really love to be a part of! Also, still waiting on the In Living Colour deadline, 8th February, to see if they're interested in the newly re-named Source Material that hopefully will be picked and put into production in April!! (Fingers crossed!)

Also, I really have to start reading more of the Blue Cat scripts - I've read two that haven't set the world alight for different reasons - in one there was no conflict and the other seemed a little like a long episode of a really complex soap (not a bad thing but not a film!) I've written one report in draft and have the notes for the other that just need writing up. Just five to go in a week! *Gulp!*

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Day 2 of the NFTS #WritingThePilot course

Two days of the NFTS Writing the Pilot course and we've covered so much ground already!

I'm working on my ideas called Aftercare which is a drama based on the set of a 'Jeremy Kyle' esque show where the problems of the backroom staff all to frequently reflect those of the guests on the stage.

I've met seven other amazing guys who are in the class who all have some very interesting ideas and obviously are very talented and passionate about what they do and it's been great to be around them just for the two days so far hearing their pitches and reading their treatments. I'm looking forward to seeing how their projects progress over the next two weeks and hopefully I can be involved in helping shape them into a product that they are proud of and one day can get made!

Currently I've been working on a treatment for Aftercare and have just finished the first six pages of the pilot that I'm hoping will get some good feedback tomorrow when it goes up on the big screen for criticism. I'm happy with the way that it's progressing so far but I think that I really need to nail down the world that I'm trying to create and this might require a bit of a 'Jeremy Kyle' binge over the weekend, even checking out the backstage stuff that they have on their website so that I can see everything about the show.

Anyhow, I'm knackered and have a long day tomorrow with a meeting with another producer about some paid work to write a web-series at 1930 and have another early start again. You know what they say? No rest for the wicked!

Monday, 28 January 2013

Raindance TV Writers Summit Part Deux

Right better late than never I suppose the anticipated second part of the Raindance TV Writers summit....

The big criticism that I always have about these events is that often they can turn into empowerment seminars (you know: "Change your life just say yes" and all that!) and this morning for the first part my fears were realized and what was worse I hadn't had the right amount of coffee to deal with it. Jen Grisanti made us talk about ourselves and our own problems and how they were reflected in our work. I had no intention of sharing my deepest darkest secrets with a room full of people who I didn't know the names of (that's what therapy is for!) but some people took the bull by the horns and gave us both barrels about divorces, passing parents and how they found out they were adopted. Not to take anything away from these people and their stories but it wasn't what I'd come here and paid for (Like I said before therapy is cheaper and there's a registered medical professional to put what you say in context!)

However, after some uncomfortable sharing we got to the meat and bones of the seminar and there were some nuggets in there and some good exercises that we were made do that one day I'm sure that I will steal for a class if they ever let me teach one.

I wasn't sure if I'd stay for the afternoon as it was on reality TV (not something that I hold in high regard with Big Brother as an exception) but after hearing Troy DeVolld speak and seeing the man's pocket square I was hooked and couldn't leave. The man talked so passionately about his experiences in reality TV and had some amazing anecdotes.

 Anyhow I'm back at the NFTS for two weeks now and will get a few blogs out about the experience currently sat in the cafe pretending that I'm a student again hoping that no one will notice that I'm not and let me stay for a few months, maybe the semester!

Saturday, 26 January 2013

Raindance TV Writers Summit 26/01/2013

So... Today was interesting I after felling let down by the Raindance festival last year I made a point of not attending anything that the organization ran again but after seeing the opportunity to go to this TV Writers Summit at Birkbeck College I couldn't turn it down and gave the organization one last chance!

After being pried from my bed earlier in the morning than I have been for a long time I made the journey for the 0830 start and made it just in time to hear the first speaker Chad Gervich who I was excited to hear speak. The student who registered me was welcoming and had time to chat which was the best welcome that I've ever had at a Raindance event and I really hope that he's on the desk again tomorrow as I heard him say that he was studying the screenwriting course that they run so it'd be good to get a low down on what they do.

So Chad started off bleak - he gave us a low down on the industry in America and you could see people around the room sigh realizing the mountain that we had to climb to get our stuff on American TV, though with the mention of the money that was possible with $indercation everyone got a little boost that they needed to get right back on writing! Chad was engaging and dynamic on the stage pacing about the place and dropping in some relevant quotes and anecdotes and it really didn't feel like he had been talking for nearly four hours with only a quick smoke break in the middle (for me not Chad!)

After a quick lunch we were back in the room for the afternoon session with Ellen Sandler who hit us hard off the bat with a few exercises to really get us to think about what we wanted out our scripts and how we needed to put a little of ourselves into the narrative. We then went through some great openings of shows including The Good Wife that I now think that I'm going to have to watch (and get my mom on it - I think that she'd love it!)

In the evening we got a chance to pitch and I decided to give Baked a spin and it got an OK response from the judges and the guys who'd stayed behind to listen. I managed to fluff it at one point but think that I regained enough composure to get past it! Ellen suggested that I stop telling jokes in the pitches that I make and that I shouldn't be giving any insight into the target audience (for Baked I said that it was aimed at stoners staying up past 11 - almost half of the audience at that time!!) she said that was the execs job to decide that. Fair cop but I was just trying to be funny with it! I was a little bit peeved with Chad as he made a criticism that I didn't tell the panel my name when I clearly stood up and said it at the start - ah well!

All in all a good day to be honest and looking forward to tomorrow. The only real problem that I had was that no one really wanted to network (not that I was much in the mood by the end of the day being a little tired and hungover) but writers being insular beings tend to keep themselves to themselves and keep tapping away at their keyboards. I suppose that it's for the best - your characters give you unconditional love no matter what you put them through!

IN OTHER NEWS - I got an email from In Living Colour the production company that I sent PreCog to for the call for short scripts! They are keen and have put it through to the shortlist so hopefully I might have a short film in production in April!! All the are suggesting is a possible name change that I am totally on board with. I would be amazing to see PreCog (or whatever I/we decide to call it now!) on the big screen!

Write Life... Future Corp... FuCorp... Back to the drawing board

Thursday, 24 January 2013

Kickstarter Crowdfunding!

Looking around the interweb on how to build a successful Kickstarter project and saw this - it's a great video and some amazing advice from the guys and girls who have managed to see their dreams come true through Kickstarter - take a look there might be a pointer or two that you can pick up!


Right - managed to get something off to BlueCat today to see what they think about it - it might not have been The Forgotten Daughter of Earth - I got seriously bogged down in Act II and couldn't really see where the story was going so decided that I might need to shelve it for a while! As Dan Polansky says:

"When you're up to your neck in alligators, sometimes you forget that your mission is to drain the swamp."

Instead the group have the pleasure of reading 99% - a little British perhaps for an American audience but they might be able to get the general premise. Also it's probably about 20 pages too short at 78 A4 sides - though they do have funny paper over there so it might come to around 100 if they print it off! I've also got 6 scripts to read on the train down to London this weekend from what appears to be 6 very talented and passionate writers. I'm going to enjoy being able to give some feedback and read some really interesting and engaging stories! 

In other news if you're reading this blog in the hope that there might be something useful here from time to time - I've dug up a few interesting competitions and links today that could be of interest to budding screenwriters and producers:

Standard screenplay competition - write 2 page outline and a 1- page writing sample - quite cheap at £35 per entrance too:

Stoke Your Fires Marketplace
Really interesting opportunity to be able to pitch to producers and funding bodies at a marketplace event at the Stoke Your Fires film festival - free to enter but £40 if you get through to be able to attend - seems worth it. I sent three ideas in The Forgotten Daughter of Earth, Embracing Kim and Reality Bites.

SYF - Script Competition
Another opportunity from Stoke Your Fires. This time a 5 page outline and a 30 page writing sample (Act I) of a screenplay that you want to develop that is set in Stoke-on-Trent or the surrounding area. I sent them something that I was working on a while back called Reality Bites.

SYF - Events calender
I promise that I'm not working for Stoke your Fires or anything - it just seems that they've got some great opportunities at the moment and being in the midlands they are few and far between at the moment for film and TV. If you can get over to Stoke on Trent in early March for these I think that they're well worth it, and the best part about it is that they're all free!!

Anyhow back to the chalk face once again. I've got to start seriously looking at Between Lambs and Lions in order to get something to Mark Sutherland for when I get back from the NFTS!


- Ted

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Today's going to be a good, good day!

Today is just the thing that I needed to get me back on track with writing! So after the Enter the Pitch competition I got a call from a producer called Mark Sutherland who was/is interested in Between Lambs and Lions. Obviously at the moment there isn't a script so it might be a rushed few weeks trying to churn one out - but I'm sure that we can do that no problem, one of the feedback points from the competition was that it might have been more of a feature than a short anyhow so this could be good for the project!

The really exciting news is that I told him about 99% that I'm writing at the moment and he seemed keen on that also so I sent him the first 30 pages of the script and he asked for the rest of it - so basically I'm on that now trying to get it ready for him to see, and taking out all of the spelling mistakes that litter the piece!

Also, still slogging my way through something for Aftercare that will hopefully come good at the NFTS next week!

Plus watch out for the blogging over the next 2 weeks I'm going to be letting everyone know about my movements at the various seminars and things that I'm venturing too next week!

Monday, 21 January 2013

21/01/2013 and counting...

So I'm aware that I haven't been keeping up to date with work recently (shame on me!) but Monday being a new day all the slate will be wiped clean and we'll start a-fresh!

Today is mainly focused on getting going again with The Forgotten Daughter of Earth. I'm starting to develop a love hate relationship with the piece as in I hate that I love it and love hating to write it, I feel with writing every word that I'm somehow punishing myself! However, it's got to be finished by the 24th as that's when Gordy from Blue Cat wants to see it and I need it as finished as possible so that I can get some good constructive feedback on it!

In other news I'm slowly working on Aftercare for the NFTS Writing the Pilot course that I'm heading on at the end of this week and the Final Draft TV Writers Conference that's happening this weekend that I'm heading to! Hopefully I get to pitch it to a few people and want to be ready if I get the opportunity to ambush some producer in a dark corner of the bar. I also got far to excited with the arrival of my swanky new business cards and started giving them to everyone I saw.

I'll be blogging at all of the events that I'm heading to just to give you an idea of what goes on at these things so that you can see if they're worth going to in the future!

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Today's Pitch

Today's pitch didn't go as according to plan as in it didn't happen at all! Loaded TV have called it off at 0930 this morning due to a judge being ill! They are telling me that it might be re-scheduled for Friday so here's hoping! Unfortunately this means that I have a day to kill in London now and a really poor work ethic so have found myself searching the internet for opportunities to write scripts rather than simply just writing them!

Methinks that I need to get some passion back after the comedown of the weekend!

The main thing in the pipeline at the moment has to be The Forgotten Daughter of Earth as it's due to go to Blue Cat on the 24th January and I find that I'm a little stuck in the middle of Act II - I know where the screenplay is going, I just don't know how it's going to get there! I'm looking at some of the films that I have compared it to - Shutter Island and Prometheus in order to gain a little inspiration and see how they are structured in order to gain some clues!

Unfortunately the only thing that I have in my head right now is the Bible and thinking about next year's Enter the Pitch so there's a lot of stuff leaking into the script that might have a religious theme.

Other than that I'm still plugging away with the Aftercare drama that I'm trying to write. As in I'm watching too much Jeremy Kyle and not doing enough writing!

Anyhow, back to the coalface.


- Ted

Monday, 14 January 2013

The one with a Comedown

So after having time to reflect on the weekend I'm still pretty gutted but know that it's on to the next thing now! I didn't get the chance to make Between Lambs and Lions but I met a huge group of passionate, great people who I hope that I can stay in touch with and see them grow as filmmakers alongside me! Also, everyone was so nice, and not like movie business nice, really genuinely nice!!

Now onto the next thing I'm pitching Chasing Chuck tomorrow with Loaded TV - not sure how this one will play out but let's see! I'm still so tired from the weekend Saturday was such a long day!!

Saturday, 12 January 2013

The Enter the Pitch Final

So sat in the holding room of the #pitchfinals at Pinewood studio and things are a little nervous here!! I've ran through the presentation 100 times but there's a big difference between pitching to the mirror/cat/family to a panel of industry experts. My mothers critique, although invaluable, doesn't hold up to that of an Oscar winner, commissioning expert and past winners!

With the early start I might be ready for bed by the time that I'm on (1430) but with enough black coffee and free danish pastries I'm powering through!

This blog may be just to distract me and I'm sure that over the course of the day I will smoke my body weight in roll-ups but eventually I'm going to need something else so hopefully the tour of the studio will be just the ticket! There's nothing like seeing the sound stage for Skyfall to inspire you about British film!

Now though time to be social and see what some of the other finalists are up to. The next blog will either be in a huddled crying mess on my girlfriends bedroom floor or in a huddled crying mess in a hotel room prepping for another pitch tomorrow!

Wish me luck!


- Ted

Friday, 11 January 2013

An early start tomorrow.

So I arrive in London to stay at my girlfriends as I always do when I'm down here doing at pitch. This time it's with the Enter the Pitch competition to be in with a chance to win £25000 to make a short film and we're at the prestigious Pinewood Studios that I am super excited about!!

The only issue is that it's a 0830 start and I'm currently in Clapham North - google maps has just given me a conservative estimate of it taking 2 hours to get there - oh boy this is going to be an early start and I'm definitely not a morning person!!

On the plus side though the pitch that I'm delivering for my project Between Lambs and Lions rocks so fingers crossed it all goes well!!

On another note had a call with Justin from Loaded TV which went well - here's hoping that all goes well with that on Tuesday and 2013 might get started with two confirmed projects if all goes to plan across this weekend!!


- Ted

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Chasing Chuck

Soooo... I've got the opportunity to pitch Chasing Chuck to 'Loaded TV' in Surrey on Tuesday! After the disappointment of Embracing Kim over the last few weeks this might be the rebound that I've been looking for! Here's fingers crossed for the venture!

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

4pagesormore goes pro!

So in a moment of madness I thought that it would be a good idea to get myself some business cards for future adventures. Something to stuff in pockets at meetings in the hopes that they call me back!


So at the end of January I'm on the NFTS 'pilot' Writing the Pilot course and am thinking of taking my idea of Aftercare where the problems of the backroom staff of a 'Jeremy Kyle' like show to often reflects the problems of those on the stage - it's just that they don't have the cameras trained on them, until now.

For the research of the project I've started watching countless shows such as The Jerry Springer show and our own homegrown Mr Kyle and I could not be more horrified with what I've seen! Though the real gold is on the internet just typing in "Jerry Springer" brings some interesting results that have to make a good drama show.

Starting to realize that rather than just writing about things that I'm doing in my writing I should start giving some constructive advise about writing so will be looking to getting something like that up in the next few weeks so that if anyone stumbles across this they might find something useful!

Monday, 7 January 2013

Loaded TV

So today has been a good one in sorts - it's one of those days when I haven't really done all that much but a lot has been happening!

Currently I'm still slogging through the Enter the Pitch presentation for Between Lambs and Lions that I'll be delivering this coming weekend (eeek!) There's still big money at stake and having watched the other videos there's some stiff competition though some of the submissions that I thought would get through haven't made the cut which suggests that they're are looking for something very different this year from what they have produced in the previous years!

A very talented friend of mine (Sam Ginns) made me a poster for the film that I'm hoping will help wow the judges and gain me some bonus points - and I had a go at my own for the final slide of the presentation for the "Any Questions" bit!

In other news I've got the opportunity to pitch another mockdoc idea to 'Loaded TV' next week (which is shaping up to be a very busy week at the moment!) Chasing Chuck is coming out of the woodwork again - here's hoping that this is the time that it gets picked up!

On top of that there's still the producers market at the 'Stoke your fires' event that I've got to finish applying for and Reality Bites! for the same event. I'm also looking at the deadline of the Forgotten Daughter of Earth coming up on the 24th January. All in all I better stop blogging and start writing!


- Ted

Thursday, 3 January 2013

Enter the Pitch!

Just a quick heads up for today! I've made the final cut for the Enter the Pitch competition with my entrance Between Lambs and Lions I'm over the moon to have made it against such strong competition! But now the real work begins I've got to prove to the four judges that I'm the right man to make a short film with an amazing budget of £25000!

Queue many sleepless nights and a shed load of worrying but methinks that I might have this!

Check out my initial pitch and the other 9 here:


- Ted

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Breaking radio silence

So it's been a while since I last blogged mainly due to the fact that tis the season to be jolly and all!

Last week though I did go and see a little indie movie in Nottingham that blew me away Safety Not Guaranteed was simply brilliant! About a loner who may or may not have traveled back in time once before putting an ad out in the penny saver looking for a partner to go on the next mission with him! Dark and funny with some brilliant exchanges about jeggings and gaming laptops it also cemented in my mind that Jake Johnson (Nick from New Girl) is going to be a star!

But now it's back to the coal face! Got so much to do in January and so many deadlines coming up that it's going to have to be work flat out at the moment!

- Forgotten Daughter of Earth needs finishing before the 24th so that it can go to Blue Cat.
- Between Lambs and Lions needs pitching
- Aftercare needs some attention before the NFTS class, and I'm pitching it at Raindance.
- Reality Bites Act I is done and needs a few things added before it goes into 'Stoke Your Fires'
- I'm still slogging away at 99% hopefully for the BBC
- Chasing Chuck needs a rethink
- Two short films need making with partner in crime Chris Richards!
- Need to get a wriggle on for 'Stoke-your-fires' producers fest.
- And I'm sure that there's something that I've missed!

Though tomorrow Cat comes to town until Sunday so that's going to be a write off!