Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Back to it!

Righto! I'm now back in the north after a week spent in London doing London like busy things and it's time to crack on with some writing!

I've decided that the short course that I've just been on has somewhat empowered me to get off my ass and start making a film rather than just sitting back and writing hoping that someone will pick my work up! I'm looking at Directive 43 and PreCog/Source Material to have filmed in the next few months if we can!

Also, slogging away at the usual!

In other news though I've managed to get addicted to kickstarter again and backed a few things last night - silly me! I've also managed to discover Imgur - the most terrible tool that I've ever found for procrastination!

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

'Aftercare' getting going

Yesterday I had a really great meeting with the guys who are hopefully going to make Aftercare a reality!!

It was really exciting and something that I haven't really done before so it was both a scary and an exciting experience. I went to Hackney to meet with Tor (director) and Lisa (Producer) and we went through the entire script line by line and really worked through what we needed to do to make it a stronger script. It was a great experience as I've never had that kid of attention paid to my work and it really allowed me to work out what was working and what wasn't in the first draft. I've now got until the end of next week to turn in a second draft so that we can get something in-front of commissioners by April! Exciting times! Everyone seems really engaged with the idea and although it's early days everyone in the room could really see it working and I'm hoping that with the time and energy that we're spending on it something good will come out of it!

In other news the webseries that I'm working on at the moment now has a name Tripwire that I'm getting  really engaged with. It's a great concept and something that I can really see working and getting a huge and active fan base behind it. I'm just hoping that it's something that I can be involved in to see where it's going to go!

Also, still slogging away with Chasing Chuck at the moment - the producer who has come on ,board Manon, is amazing to work with - she's got so passionate about the project and has some great ideas and really has put the work in to try and get the project off the ground! I'm just hoping that all this hard work will pay off and we'll be able to attract some funding to the idea to make it a reality!

Finally, I got my tickets to the Stoke Your Fires film festival today and hoping that it'll be a great chance to network and learn some tricks of the trade from a different set of professionals! This will be the first film event that I'll have been to outside of London - so here's hoping that up in the North there are a few things that I've been missing out on and can find out at them!


- Ted

Saturday, 16 February 2013

Writing for the weekend

Today's been a slow one with it being Saturday and all!

As a writer you're always trying to write more - friends often comment that getting through four pages or more a day is an easy task and simply sitting at the computer doing what you love must be a really easy job but creating something from nothing is often harder than it seems!

Not to play the woe is me card, I'm really grateful that I have the opportunity to do this every day but sometimes staring at a blank page gets frustrating and this was one of those days - combating the dreaded writers block!

Eventually things got done, but not as much as I'd like, I've rewritten Aftercare as a 30(2) page comedy but it needs trimming down some more to fit the time-slot that we're currently looking at possibly putting it in but I think that I need some input from the director and the producer in what to take out and what to change before I go any further as currently I'm stuck with what to do next with it.

I'm also writing more and more of Between Lambs and Lions but this too has lost its way a little at the moment and I'm still waiting on Luke from 'Enter the Pitch' to get back to me with the other possibilities that the project has at the moment.

In other news I've got my application in for the AdaptLab that I'm really hoping for some good things from. I'm really passionate about working with new material and think that it would be the perfect opportunity to get some coaching on adapting novels for the screen and hopefully produce something that might get some interest from the course.

At the moment I'm also looking at the Euroscript competition with Dollhouses (working title) as a one off TV show. I'm hoping that they'll be wowed by the relevance of the theme and the dark edge that it has - I originally wrote it as an episode of Black Mirror, so Charlie Brooker if you're reading this get in touch I've got an idea for you!

Anyhow back to the chalk face - I need a few more pages to make today feel worthwhile!


Wednesday, 13 February 2013

12 days and counting

Right... So I've been really bad at keeping up with this at the moment so for anyone out there who is hanging off my every word and has found these last two weeks unbearable please forgive me! (Not that there is anyone but there might!!)

So these last 12 days have been stressful - I was finishing off the writing the pilot course at the NFTS that I can say was worth every penny that I spent on it and from what I heard in the pub afterwards and from the course tutor it's only going to get better with the inclusion of more guest speakers and the chance to get your script in the hands of Micheal Gray just for attending the course. All 8 of the people who went on the course came out with a finished pilot episode of their on series that in all honesty if they were on the tele I'd watch them! It was amazing as well to see some of the writers who had never even thought about getting something written before they came on the course grow so quickly in the 2 weeks that they had at the NFTS and at the end the work that they were producing was unrecognizable from what they were producing at the start!

The best thing to come out of the two weeks though were the contacts - I've hopefully managed to get 'Aftercare' (my screenplay) into the right hands and with a bit of luck, some positive thinking and a little hard work it might (just might) get onto the tele! Keep your fingers crossed!

In other news I'm still slogging away at a few things in the background - I'm still hoping to be writing a web series with Nick Agah who I met in London when I was down. It's a crazy idea and something that I'd love to be a part of if we can make it work! I unfortunately got dropped from InLivingColour that I was a little peeved about but I've got over it now and hoping to maybe work with them in the future if everything lines up right! Finally, I've been in contact with Marc Sutherland again about Between Lambs and Lions and he's dead keen to see it produced which is amazing I've just got to get rocking and rolling on the script! I'm hoping to get a step outline sent to him in the next week so that he can go over it and see what he thinks!

Also, you've got to keep an eye out for my big television debut - on Loaded TV - no don't worry it's not like that! I was invited on a show that they are running that's a little like dragons den but for TV ideas - after the pitch though I wasn't really given anything to suggest what happened next so I'm unsure about the whole process now but will drop a "friendly" email to see if they remember that idiot who wanted to fight Chuck Norris!

Plus I've been working hard on my Blue Cat notes for the online seminar that I've got involved with - I have to say though that I've been a little disappointed with experience so far but I haven't yet heard the video feedback as am saving that for this evening when I've had more drink - I'm guessing from the written feedback that it's not going to be pretty!

Right so I think that's everything for today - I really need to start some actual writing!

Friday, 1 February 2013

Screenwriting competitions!

So so so so tired from an intense week on the Writing The Pilot course at the NFTS which so far has been worth every penny! The guys on the course have been amazing and after a few drinks today we all even had a little social in the pub which was great!!

Now into week two where things can only get even better and I'll have a full 42 page pilot script in the can!

Just a little heads up for those reading this blog who are looking for something useful every now and again - here are a few competitions that \I'm thinking of entering over the next few months!!



