Saturday 22 December 2012

Gorilla Panic!!

Today has been a slow one though in the interest of always writing something each day I composed a "to do" list and there's a lot!

I also decided to book myself on the TV writers summit with Raindance despite my bad experiences with them in the past ( I'm hoping that it will give me some chance to work through Aftercare ideas before heading to the NFTS for their writing the pilot course the following week and maybe even pitch it to a few people to get reactions and feedback. At £280.80 it wasn't cheap for a two dayer but thinking that it might be a good investment.

Other than that ticking over The Forgotten Daughter of Earth but have reached something of an impasse in Act II (Act III is kinda written though so it's not all that bad!) I think that watching a few things similar to what I'm going for might help so have got hold of copies of Moon and Shutter Island to try and get the sawdust wet! It has to be done by Jan 24th otherwise I won't make the deadline for the Blue Cat online seminar I'm a-part of!

Also decided last night to read the screenplay for Ted - worth it just for this line:

It's called Mind Rape. It's actually pretty mellow.
It doesn't sound very mellow.
Well, he only had three other batches, Gorilla Panic, They're coming, They're coming and something called This is Permanent.
Had me ROFLing throughout - you can get a copy for free here:

Anyhow, off to watch the afternoon rugger now and see if I can find me some Gorilla Panic!


- Ted

PS - Have some good news but due to current news embargo can't let it out - watch this space on the 3rd Jan for updates!

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