Friday 21 December 2012

Let it begin!!

So the world didn't end this morning and it inspired me to start writing a blog on my adventures in screenwriting (everyone else seems to have one so why can't I?!) To friends who might one day stumble across this doesn't mean that I'm going to start being nice to everyone and not kicking puppies and giving money to homeless people (or even giving money to puppies and not kicking homeless people) I'm just trying to use this blog to effectively bully myself to be doing some work each day rather than hoping that each morning when I wake up it'll just happen.

So why 4 Pages or More? Well that's the goal for each day until the end of this year (2013) when I'll finally can the dream of being a writer and get a real job, start earning some money and maybe even get serious with life. Four (4) pages really doesn't sound a lot does it but often these will be pages conjured up from thin air, or less, and believe me it's an uphill battle sometimes to get them out. Some days it won't happen and I'll just be mashing my head against the keyboard hoping to fill some blank space but at least I'll have four pages!!

Other than that I'm hoping that there might once or twice be a smattering of good stuff about writing theory or something that someone might find useful in their own quest to get noticed as a writer amongst the ranting about how tired/stressed/angry/bored/hungover/under-caffinated/over-caffinated/lost/confused I am, or all of the above at once.

Anyhow today is the 21/12/2012, or the day the Mayans had to admit that this was all a big tourism scam, and 365 days from now I'll either have a film deal or it'll be my last post and then I'll admit defeat and leave you all alone!


- Ted

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