Monday 22 April 2013

We’re all Doomed!

I have been so, so, so busy lately that I haven’t really had time to be blogging as of late but all I can say is that currently I’ve been having a brilliant time on the set of The Fitzroy – see the pictures below. Although the art department isn’t really my thing, I can barely hold a paintbrush properly, I’ve really started enjoying it and with my niche in heavy lifting I’ve found plenty to do moving stuff around!

Day one heading onto the sub for the first time.

How do you steer a submarine? Here's your answer.

One of the navigation rooms in the sub.

Exterior of the submarine - it would hold 75 guys at a time on there - grim.

At 6ft 6 and 250Lbs navigating the sub was a challenge - apparently heading through the portholes looked a little like: "The Sub was giving birth to me."

Cast and crew watching rushes from the previous day.

Torpedo room/Hotel bathroom.
The guys that I’ve been working with have been great and I’m only hoping that all of the experiences that I have on feature sets are this pleasant. The only issue that I see is that the mornings are very early and the nights are very late but I suppose that you soon get used to them.

Now, with three days “off” before I head back to the set in Acton and do some of the studio stuff I’m back to work writing and trying to produce the two other short films that we’ve got planned for the remained of this year and see where Aftercare and Dark Matter might lead!

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