Thursday 13 June 2013

IdeasTap Austerity poem

So IdeasTap - possibly one of the greatest arts resources on the internet at the moment offering young artisits across all forms of media. Fancying myself as a bit of a poet I entered this one with a little ditty about Austerity - all feedback is welcome and why not have a stab at it yourself if you think that you might have something in verse that would be up to it?!

Possibly a little socialist for my tastes though you do find out a lot about yourself delving into the creative mind!

Ted Wilkes

What if for a day
there is this place
where the rich are expected to pay their way
and not draped in opulence and disgrace?
                “A fair share for all” is the rally cry
                And then I awake without a dry eye.

What would the world be if we all paid our tax?
We’d only have other problems to solve.
It wouldn’t be the Bullingdon club who scratched each other’s backs
there’d simply be another corrupt power to dissolve.

They promise us this, they promise us that
in the end what else should we expect
besides another career politician in a different hat
with yet more principals, now in power, they reject.

Let’s look at what we have on offer
to run this island and abuse our coffer.

The Tory Toffs, the party of mam and dad.
The economy may have been in the loo
when you started and I’ll agree that’s certainly bad
but fix it now! It’s what you’re in power to do.

And then there’s the alternative with Ed minus a brother he stabbed so hard
with two wars to their name on the countries American express
who can’t be trusted with more than a Tesco club card
and now they simply expect us to do more with less?

Then there’s the liberals, the less said the better
savaged between the two like a dirty yellow bird
strutting around pretending to matter
as if anyone would care even if they could be heard.

“Oh isn’t it dreadful this Austerity thing.”
Goes up the chant
“If only it was that I was able to sing.”
Then I could be famous with no need to rant
and have all those things I deserve. Like that bling.

People; this all may be the Government’s fault
but there’s only one way that we can fix this mess.
“It’s those bankers who’s the problem.” I hear you exault
well let’s do something about it I would finally stress;
                We should band together and be united as one
                And change the world to better than what’s going on.


  1. I've been enjoying your blog lately Mr Wilkes! Even with the poetry creeping in. Joking. It's great to hear someone honestly talking about this crazy ol' journey. Hope all is going well x

  2. Hi Clare! Thanks - things are good! How about you? Things going well? 'The Half' still being tinkered with? I still have the original that I'm going to sell when you've made the big time! (I apologize about the poetry - it's always nice to do a little something away from the day job!) X
