Thursday 20 June 2013

Updates - 'The Light', 'Source Material', chasing 'Chasing Chuck' and others...

Long time no blog - after getting into a good rhythm of churning out something each day I find that I've fallen by the wayside recently but after a successful shoot on The Light I'm now back in the game and ready to tell all you happy people out there a little about what I've been doing for the last week!

So I've just finished my time on the set of The Light directed by the winner of this years 'Enter The Pitch' competition Simon Cookson. It was a great experience and presented me an opportunity to see another perspective on making short films and learn a lot during the four days that I was on set. The piece looks amazing and I can't wait for the opportunity to see the finished product in January 2014 at the premier at Pinewood studios. Have a gander at some of the behind the scenes stuff from the shoot on the 'Enter The Pitch' website:

Other than that I've been keeping myself busy with all the other projects that I've got floating in the air at the moment. The rough cut of Source Material is now finished ready for some colour grading and hopefully an original musical score that will really turn what I think is a great short film into an amazing one!

We're still chasing Chasing Chuck - tomorrow I have a meeting with Dusthouse in London to get some advice and mentoring that will hopefully help shape the project and am happy to announce that we have the wonderful and talented Dave Chawner on board now as the man hard (crazy) enough to fight Mr Norris. Dave is a stand up comedian who is rapidly making an impression on the stand-up circuit who is perfect for the part and is even currently working on a show that focuses on masculinity in the modern world that is perfect for the documentary! Check him out here:

Also, Dark Matter is looking increasingly exciting with the producer sending me over some incredible production packages that he's put together that have really cemented the idea of the piece on my mind. I just can't wait to get cracking on it.

The only, slightly, bad news for the day is that we're now looking elsewhere with Aftercare - the first avenue that we approached the series with has been half shut so we are looking for ways around it to see if others in the BEEB might be interested in taking it on board. Everyone in the camp is still very hopeful that it's going to go well and someone will take an interest in it so we're still plugging away and just waiting for that magic yes!

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