Thursday 22 August 2013

I repent - I've indeed been a bad blogger

I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

I know that there aren't many people out there who tune into this blog on the regular but for those of you who do I am really sorry that nothing has appeared over the last few weeks. It's not that I've been any busier than before I just thought that I'd give spouting drivel a rest for a while - but now I'm back and yah'll have to listen to be again!

I thought that I'd use the first blog back to update on everything that I'm doing at the moment if that's alright - I've got a few things cooking up about various bits and bobs but everything is a little half baked at the moment and I want to try and get stuff right before I put it up!

Anyhow in the style of a doctor doing their rounds these are the following prognosisis for the projects that I've been working on.

Chasing Chuck - Shouldn't even be at this hospital, it's well ready and being a little too active at times. We're hoping to have the website up by the end of the month for anyone and everyone to see! All we want now is the cash to turn it into a full feature doc!

Aftercare  - is dead, dead as a doornail at the moment. There's nothing going forward or backwards. The last feedback that I had from a contact at Talkback, after a rather promising start, was that no-one will ever make this; "it's too clever" was the main line of thought. I've never thought that could be considered much of an insult but apparently "being clever" doesn't do well on TV and despite protests of The Thick of It and Newsroom there was no reply, but no change of mind. Disappointing on all accounts but now it's time to grieve and move on.

Jezza might never get the roasting he deserves.
Dark Matter - The ambitious webseries that I'm working on with a producer and director is alive and doing well. I can't really say much about it as currently I'm sworn to secrecy by a contract but I'm about to explode with all this information running through my head. The second that I'm allowed to Facebook and Tweet about it watch out as there's going to be a social media tirade heading your way.

Between Lambs and Lions  - I was approached by a producer after last year's Enter the Pitch film competition to write a feature length version of the pitch that I put together called Between Lambs and Lions about a corrupt government in the future. I'm ever so close to the finish line I just need to really get my head around the last few scenes and I'll have another complete screenplay that I'm excited about. Basically, it's looking good but I don't want to jinx it yet by saying either way.

Sorry - but I'm trying to give nothing away
Enter the Pitch 2013 - Is just about to head in for surgery in the next month. I've been waiting a year for this operation and by gum I'm going to make the most of it. This year's pitch is again along the democracy lines that Between Lambs and Lions was last year. However, I'm now updating the message it's all about an Edward Snowdonesque whistleblower and her dilemma about is she doing the right thing in a short called Tides of Change. See a shot of the trailer here:

Sundown; First Light - There are a few more artists other than Sam on-board now but at the moment it's a little like herding cats - more chasing is required so it's a little akin to looking after grandma in a home I'm sure she's there getting on with stuff but I'm trying to keep the doors locked so that she doesn't scarper to the park to feed the ducks.

Sitcom Showdown - Now this is a baby of mine at the moment and I'm loving and caring for it in the maternity ward and it's still a little wrinkly and ugly so I don't really want to show you it yet but here's a sneak peak. Hope you like it.

Anyhow I might post something a little more serious tomorrow!


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