Wednesday 20 February 2013

'Aftercare' getting going

Yesterday I had a really great meeting with the guys who are hopefully going to make Aftercare a reality!!

It was really exciting and something that I haven't really done before so it was both a scary and an exciting experience. I went to Hackney to meet with Tor (director) and Lisa (Producer) and we went through the entire script line by line and really worked through what we needed to do to make it a stronger script. It was a great experience as I've never had that kid of attention paid to my work and it really allowed me to work out what was working and what wasn't in the first draft. I've now got until the end of next week to turn in a second draft so that we can get something in-front of commissioners by April! Exciting times! Everyone seems really engaged with the idea and although it's early days everyone in the room could really see it working and I'm hoping that with the time and energy that we're spending on it something good will come out of it!

In other news the webseries that I'm working on at the moment now has a name Tripwire that I'm getting  really engaged with. It's a great concept and something that I can really see working and getting a huge and active fan base behind it. I'm just hoping that it's something that I can be involved in to see where it's going to go!

Also, still slogging away with Chasing Chuck at the moment - the producer who has come on ,board Manon, is amazing to work with - she's got so passionate about the project and has some great ideas and really has put the work in to try and get the project off the ground! I'm just hoping that all this hard work will pay off and we'll be able to attract some funding to the idea to make it a reality!

Finally, I got my tickets to the Stoke Your Fires film festival today and hoping that it'll be a great chance to network and learn some tricks of the trade from a different set of professionals! This will be the first film event that I'll have been to outside of London - so here's hoping that up in the North there are a few things that I've been missing out on and can find out at them!


- Ted

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