Saturday 16 February 2013

Writing for the weekend

Today's been a slow one with it being Saturday and all!

As a writer you're always trying to write more - friends often comment that getting through four pages or more a day is an easy task and simply sitting at the computer doing what you love must be a really easy job but creating something from nothing is often harder than it seems!

Not to play the woe is me card, I'm really grateful that I have the opportunity to do this every day but sometimes staring at a blank page gets frustrating and this was one of those days - combating the dreaded writers block!

Eventually things got done, but not as much as I'd like, I've rewritten Aftercare as a 30(2) page comedy but it needs trimming down some more to fit the time-slot that we're currently looking at possibly putting it in but I think that I need some input from the director and the producer in what to take out and what to change before I go any further as currently I'm stuck with what to do next with it.

I'm also writing more and more of Between Lambs and Lions but this too has lost its way a little at the moment and I'm still waiting on Luke from 'Enter the Pitch' to get back to me with the other possibilities that the project has at the moment.

In other news I've got my application in for the AdaptLab that I'm really hoping for some good things from. I'm really passionate about working with new material and think that it would be the perfect opportunity to get some coaching on adapting novels for the screen and hopefully produce something that might get some interest from the course.

At the moment I'm also looking at the Euroscript competition with Dollhouses (working title) as a one off TV show. I'm hoping that they'll be wowed by the relevance of the theme and the dark edge that it has - I originally wrote it as an episode of Black Mirror, so Charlie Brooker if you're reading this get in touch I've got an idea for you!

Anyhow back to the chalk face - I need a few more pages to make today feel worthwhile!


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