Sunday 19 May 2013

Another poem - this time to try and win something!

So I got all clever and decided to try and write a poem to try and get on a course with the London Screenwriting Festival and John Yorke - I thought that I'd put it up here so that you can see my attempt too!

My name is Ted Wilkes and I’m a young writer who quit his job
in hopes of finding my dreams with the humble pen.
I would find this course a great way to exercise my frontal lobe
and give me the chance to find my creativity again.

I’d love one day once I’ve written a screenplay of my very own
to also don an academic robe
and allow me to teach others to pay off their student loan
by selling their scripts around the globe. (Or at least Harvey Weinstein)

I will give this course my all, and promise to behave
and not just learn myself, but help others with the goals they wish to reach
and one day soon if the critics do rave
about my work I shall remember this course in the Oscar speech.

Enter by sending your own little ditty - or just a couple of sentences about why you deserve to win to this address: 

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