Saturday 9 March 2013


So ... I know that I've been really shit at updating this recently  but I've been so busy - mainly with stuff that I've talked about before so didn't really see a point in updating anything!

Basically I'm still slogging away with various projects including Aftercare, Tripwire and Chasing Chuck.

Chris and I pitched at the Stoke film festival which was not only a colossal waste of time but actually might have been a hiderance to our projects development. The main conclusion that I took from all of the meetings is that we should just go and start making the films ourselves - no one is going to give you any money unless you've actually made something first that have been successful!

On the shorts front we're in the middle of all the pre-production stuff - gathering the cast, locations etc... It's really exciting to be involved in the production side of things rather than just writing!

In other news I'm hoping to get a little internship at Gamespot to try and get me writing something to a brief and have me get used to office life in case this whole freelance thing doesn't work out! It'd also be great to be able to work with a new medium - video games!! I'm not a huge "gamer" as such - I love my strategy games but suck at all things COD and shooting related - but I suppose that there's no time like the present to start training myself to make me better!


- Ted

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