Thursday 21 March 2013

Kickstarter - The future and a little bit of programming

For anyone who still isn't on board with the crowdfunding idea being the future of the creative industries see the link above! It's amazing to see the investment of ordinary people in an idea that someone might have and the shear amount that groups of passionate people can attract to make their dream come true.

In other news I've always been a bit of a geek that the people close to me will more than know. I've decided to take this one step further now though trying to learn to create a "simple" app videogame - it's a long and slow process but so far (with a lot of help from the internet) I've managed to produce something that (kinda) works (see below) - it's only in its infancy but we'll see where it might take me later if I can get something rolling!

Sorry that this blog is barely written in English - it's been a long day starring at screens and I'm pretty tired! Onward with tomorrow!


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