Friday 29 March 2013

Back - with vengeance!

If anyone reads this regularly, I doubt that anyone does but once in a while there seems to be someone looking at it who isn't me, you'll know that once again I've been pretty bad at updating stuff but here's a weekly update on how things are going!

So Sundown is slowly beginning to take shape I've got all the social media stuff on the go and the website so am now just waiting on the art work for the origins stories and need to get it all out there and some traffic to the site!! I've decided to call the origins stories Sundown - First Light (Play on the idea that the sun is coming up - see what I did there?!)
The Sundown First Light website homepage

Anyone who's interested can find it here: - give it a look it's all dancing, no singing yet and you can sign up to the email newsletter so that you can be kept informed about any developments in the near future!

In other news I've got the final draft of Aftercare in, we'll see where it goes - I'm hopeful and really want this to be a success - I think that it's going to shape the continuation of this career!!

Chasing Chuck is going from strength to strength and we've now got a concrete timeline in place for everything (god bless Manon!) and it looks like we'll be shooting in April come hell or high water - great to get this project on the go finally!

With the shorts BottleRocketFilm looks like it might have got the location for Source Material in the bag and Directive 43 is still waiting to hear back from Ideastap about funding but I've still got my fingers crossed for that!

Finally, I've managed to bag myself some work experience on an independent film called The Fitzroy that's filmed entirely on a submarine (and sets) check it out here:

I'll be blogging about how it goes and all the exciting things that I get up to on set (here's hoping!)

peace (as ever)

- Ted

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