Monday 18 March 2013

The end of the beginning or the beginning of the end

So... For the last 5/6 months I've given this writing thing a go and I've got a lot of maybes and few perhaps and many more no's but I am still chasing that one first YES!

Many would say that these are small successes but as someone much wiser than I once said: "You're either pregnant or you're not!" which brings me to start reconsidering that I just might not be right for this gig after-all, or possibly should have reconsidered jacking my day job in to peruse my dreams in the first place. Maybe.

Looking back over the last few months my writing has improved and I've definitely gotten further in my career than if I was burdened with the 9 to 5 every day but at what point must I have to accept that I've been away from the workplace for so long that I am no longer desirable to future employers and am just kidding myself that writing is for me and have now just used this as an excuse to avoid doing any "real" work.

But let's reassess where we are at the moment and the projects I'm working on:

Is going well - I had another meeting with Tor and Lisa this Saturday and things went well - we developed the idea further and it's now up to me to go and write another draft. It seems that everything is looking good for the project to be pitched in April and then we'll just have to see. Lisa says that there might be three places that we can take it and hopefully one of them will decide to pick it up.

Diagnosis - Hopeful

Dark Matter
Is again going well but with nothing shot I'm not counting my chickens just yet. I'm meeting with Nick again on Wednesday which is always great as we seem to have come from very different backgrounds in life but manage to find a common ground in film and things can get very creative when we bump heads together. The project has huge possibility but it's just all about delivering on it now.

Diagnosis - Fair to mildly confident (it's all about getting other people to see the projects potential now and shooting it on a tony budget!)

Is now a comic and I've got huge plans for it - I'm working with some very talented artists who I know can deliver on a project but it's all about getting it done and out there now.

Diagnosis - Good - it'll get made - it's just that in the end no one might see it!

Chasing Chuck
Manon is a star and we're getting places with organization it's just that we're running up against brick walls the whole time. I was hoping to get stuff shot in April - but that looks like it might not happen.

Diagnosis - Happy with the way things are turning out - just need to get other people on board now.

PreCog is rumbling away in the background, if Directive 43 can attract some funding from the Ideas Tap short film fund we're onto a winner with that and The 48 Hour Film Challenge is making me fill my nappy every time I think about it.

Diagnosis - Cloudy with a chance of meatballs! (who on earth knows!)


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