Monday 21 January 2013

21/01/2013 and counting...

So I'm aware that I haven't been keeping up to date with work recently (shame on me!) but Monday being a new day all the slate will be wiped clean and we'll start a-fresh!

Today is mainly focused on getting going again with The Forgotten Daughter of Earth. I'm starting to develop a love hate relationship with the piece as in I hate that I love it and love hating to write it, I feel with writing every word that I'm somehow punishing myself! However, it's got to be finished by the 24th as that's when Gordy from Blue Cat wants to see it and I need it as finished as possible so that I can get some good constructive feedback on it!

In other news I'm slowly working on Aftercare for the NFTS Writing the Pilot course that I'm heading on at the end of this week and the Final Draft TV Writers Conference that's happening this weekend that I'm heading to! Hopefully I get to pitch it to a few people and want to be ready if I get the opportunity to ambush some producer in a dark corner of the bar. I also got far to excited with the arrival of my swanky new business cards and started giving them to everyone I saw.

I'll be blogging at all of the events that I'm heading to just to give you an idea of what goes on at these things so that you can see if they're worth going to in the future!

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