Tuesday 29 January 2013

Day 2 of the NFTS #WritingThePilot course

Two days of the NFTS Writing the Pilot course and we've covered so much ground already!

I'm working on my ideas called Aftercare which is a drama based on the set of a 'Jeremy Kyle' esque show where the problems of the backroom staff all to frequently reflect those of the guests on the stage.

I've met seven other amazing guys who are in the class who all have some very interesting ideas and obviously are very talented and passionate about what they do and it's been great to be around them just for the two days so far hearing their pitches and reading their treatments. I'm looking forward to seeing how their projects progress over the next two weeks and hopefully I can be involved in helping shape them into a product that they are proud of and one day can get made!

Currently I've been working on a treatment for Aftercare and have just finished the first six pages of the pilot that I'm hoping will get some good feedback tomorrow when it goes up on the big screen for criticism. I'm happy with the way that it's progressing so far but I think that I really need to nail down the world that I'm trying to create and this might require a bit of a 'Jeremy Kyle' binge over the weekend, even checking out the backstage stuff that they have on their website so that I can see everything about the show.

Anyhow, I'm knackered and have a long day tomorrow with a meeting with another producer about some paid work to write a web-series at 1930 and have another early start again. You know what they say? No rest for the wicked!

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