Tuesday 15 January 2013

Today's Pitch

Today's pitch didn't go as according to plan as in it didn't happen at all! Loaded TV have called it off at 0930 this morning due to a judge being ill! They are telling me that it might be re-scheduled for Friday so here's hoping! Unfortunately this means that I have a day to kill in London now and a really poor work ethic so have found myself searching the internet for opportunities to write scripts rather than simply just writing them!

Methinks that I need to get some passion back after the comedown of the weekend!

The main thing in the pipeline at the moment has to be The Forgotten Daughter of Earth as it's due to go to Blue Cat on the 24th January and I find that I'm a little stuck in the middle of Act II - I know where the screenplay is going, I just don't know how it's going to get there! I'm looking at some of the films that I have compared it to - Shutter Island and Prometheus in order to gain a little inspiration and see how they are structured in order to gain some clues!

Unfortunately the only thing that I have in my head right now is the Bible and thinking about next year's Enter the Pitch so there's a lot of stuff leaking into the script that might have a religious theme.

Other than that I'm still plugging away with the Aftercare drama that I'm trying to write. As in I'm watching too much Jeremy Kyle and not doing enough writing!

Anyhow, back to the coalface.


- Ted

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