Wednesday 2 January 2013

Breaking radio silence

So it's been a while since I last blogged mainly due to the fact that tis the season to be jolly and all!

Last week though I did go and see a little indie movie in Nottingham that blew me away Safety Not Guaranteed was simply brilliant! About a loner who may or may not have traveled back in time once before putting an ad out in the penny saver looking for a partner to go on the next mission with him! Dark and funny with some brilliant exchanges about jeggings and gaming laptops it also cemented in my mind that Jake Johnson (Nick from New Girl) is going to be a star!

But now it's back to the coal face! Got so much to do in January and so many deadlines coming up that it's going to have to be work flat out at the moment!

- Forgotten Daughter of Earth needs finishing before the 24th so that it can go to Blue Cat.
- Between Lambs and Lions needs pitching
- Aftercare needs some attention before the NFTS class, and I'm pitching it at Raindance.
- Reality Bites Act I is done and needs a few things added before it goes into 'Stoke Your Fires'
- I'm still slogging away at 99% hopefully for the BBC
- Chasing Chuck needs a rethink
- Two short films need making with partner in crime Chris Richards!
- Need to get a wriggle on for 'Stoke-your-fires' producers fest.
- And I'm sure that there's something that I've missed!

Though tomorrow Cat comes to town until Sunday so that's going to be a write off!

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