Thursday 31 January 2013

Day 4 of Writing The Pilot

Another great day in class working through our ideas as a group and each screenplay is turning into a real corker it there own way! I don't think that there's a project that I wouldn't watch if it got turned into a series/one off!

The real lesson that I've learnt whilst being on the course is the need for a really strong voice to come through in your work and the need for each scene to be really driving the story forward - each beat that the narrative remains static is another second lost where you could be bringing the audience further into the world and sucking them in so that they come back after the next advert break.

It's strange to think how different writing for TV is for writing for film - you really can't hold anything back for the modern TV audience who have so much choice of what to watch either on their box or on the internet. When I head back to feature writing after the course it's going to seem like I have so much time to establish character and tease out the details - in what I'm writing at the moment if it doesn't immediately give the answer it's either simply not good enough or it needs cutting!

In other news the deadline for the Stoke Your Fires stuff is coming up tomorrow which will lead to plenty of refreshing of their website over the next month! The meeting with Nick from Undercover Arts went well and the project that he's proposing seems amazing and something that I'd really love to be a part of! Also, still waiting on the In Living Colour deadline, 8th February, to see if they're interested in the newly re-named Source Material that hopefully will be picked and put into production in April!! (Fingers crossed!)

Also, I really have to start reading more of the Blue Cat scripts - I've read two that haven't set the world alight for different reasons - in one there was no conflict and the other seemed a little like a long episode of a really complex soap (not a bad thing but not a film!) I've written one report in draft and have the notes for the other that just need writing up. Just five to go in a week! *Gulp!*

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