Saturday 12 January 2013

The Enter the Pitch Final

So sat in the holding room of the #pitchfinals at Pinewood studio and things are a little nervous here!! I've ran through the presentation 100 times but there's a big difference between pitching to the mirror/cat/family to a panel of industry experts. My mothers critique, although invaluable, doesn't hold up to that of an Oscar winner, commissioning expert and past winners!

With the early start I might be ready for bed by the time that I'm on (1430) but with enough black coffee and free danish pastries I'm powering through!

This blog may be just to distract me and I'm sure that over the course of the day I will smoke my body weight in roll-ups but eventually I'm going to need something else so hopefully the tour of the studio will be just the ticket! There's nothing like seeing the sound stage for Skyfall to inspire you about British film!

Now though time to be social and see what some of the other finalists are up to. The next blog will either be in a huddled crying mess on my girlfriends bedroom floor or in a huddled crying mess in a hotel room prepping for another pitch tomorrow!

Wish me luck!


- Ted

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