Monday 28 January 2013

Raindance TV Writers Summit Part Deux

Right better late than never I suppose the anticipated second part of the Raindance TV Writers summit....

The big criticism that I always have about these events is that often they can turn into empowerment seminars (you know: "Change your life just say yes" and all that!) and this morning for the first part my fears were realized and what was worse I hadn't had the right amount of coffee to deal with it. Jen Grisanti made us talk about ourselves and our own problems and how they were reflected in our work. I had no intention of sharing my deepest darkest secrets with a room full of people who I didn't know the names of (that's what therapy is for!) but some people took the bull by the horns and gave us both barrels about divorces, passing parents and how they found out they were adopted. Not to take anything away from these people and their stories but it wasn't what I'd come here and paid for (Like I said before therapy is cheaper and there's a registered medical professional to put what you say in context!)

However, after some uncomfortable sharing we got to the meat and bones of the seminar and there were some nuggets in there and some good exercises that we were made do that one day I'm sure that I will steal for a class if they ever let me teach one.

I wasn't sure if I'd stay for the afternoon as it was on reality TV (not something that I hold in high regard with Big Brother as an exception) but after hearing Troy DeVolld speak and seeing the man's pocket square I was hooked and couldn't leave. The man talked so passionately about his experiences in reality TV and had some amazing anecdotes.

 Anyhow I'm back at the NFTS for two weeks now and will get a few blogs out about the experience currently sat in the cafe pretending that I'm a student again hoping that no one will notice that I'm not and let me stay for a few months, maybe the semester!

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